Be Prepared. Stay Connected.

Extreme weather events such as hurricanes, wildfires, and snow and ice storms are becoming more commonplace, endangering Canadians, damaging property, and posing a risk to critical infrastructure, including telecommunications networks. The Canadian Telecommunications Association has launched the website at to share tips and best practices that can help Canadians maintain connectivity during power outages and other service-impacting events.

Reality Check: Canada’s Telecom Sector Delivering High Customer Satisfaction and Lower Prices

Canada’s telecom sector is delivering strong customer satisfaction and affordable prices.

Empowering Canada’s Digital Future: The Role of Telecom Investments in Boosting Productivity

Fueled by $11.4 billion in capital investments to expand and enhance network infrastructure, Canada’s telecommunications sector directly contributed nearly $81 billion to the Canadian economy in 2023 and supported nearly 782,000 jobs across industries. It is further estimated that the sector’s delivery of enhanced connectivity has the potential to contribute an additional $112B to Canada’s overall GDP by 2035. To sustain this level of economic contributions requires a regulatory environment that provides sufficient incentives to encourage investment in innovation, technology, and infrastructure. Such investments are key to accelerating the digitization of Canada’s economy, which will drive economic growth and jump-start Canada’s lagging labour productivity.

Perception of Wireless Cost and Plans

Canadians who switched their wireless plans in the last twelve months are benefiting from lower wireless prices and additional services and features, a new survey shows. Among those who switched, 63% said they were paying less while getting more or the same services under their new wireless plan than their previous one. An additional 17% said they were paying the same for additional services and features that weren’t a part of their previous plan.

Bytes over bites: How Canada’s telecom providers are defying shrinkflation

In a world of shrinking products – from smaller candy bars to fewer chips in a bag – Canada’s telecom industry is moving against the tide. While shrinkflation provides consumers with less bang for their buck, Canada’s telecommunications providers are delivering more data, faster speeds, and broader coverage, all at lower prices.

Connecting Canadians

The Canadian Telecommunications Association represents organizations that invest in, build, maintain, and operate Canada’s world-class telecommunication networks. By working with members, government, regulators, and other stakeholders, we advocate for policies that will ensure Canada remains a global leader in telecommunications and that all Canadians benefit from Canada’s world-class networks and services.

Digital transformation, connectivity, and Canada’s sustainability goals

Canada’s telecommunications sector plays a pivotal role in enabling more efficient and effective ways of working, and building a more sustainable future. Find out how Canadian industries like Oil and Gas, Mining, and Agriculture can use connected technologies and data to modernize their operations to lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduce harmful waste, while also increasing productivity.

Canada’s future depends on connectivity

Connectivity is key to enabling Canada’s economic growth and improving Canadians’ social well-being. It allows businesses to become more productive while reducing their environmental footprint, assists governments in delivering critical services, and connects Canadians with friends and loved ones no matter where they live. The Canadian Telecommunications Association is dedicated to building a better future for Canadians through connectivity. Learn more about our priorities.

Telecommunications in Canada

Industry impact

Canada’s telecommunication industry is a key contributor to Canada’s economic growth and social development.



direct GDP contribution (2023)



jobs supported (2023)



Canadians with LTE mobile coverage (2023)


among G20 countries

for mobile network quality

The latest telecommunications news


Programs that make a difference

Learn about our programs that support accessibility, charitable giving, consumer protection and more.

Search tool that lets Canadians input an IMEI number to determine if a mobile device has been reported lost or stolen, which would make it unusable on Canadian wireless operator networks.

Device Check Canada

Service that allows those who are Deaf, deafened, Hard-of Hearing and speech impaired to converse with emergency call centres via text message.

Text with 911

Provides information on the administration and use of Common Short Codes to facilitate interactions between users, brands, retailers, government and other organizations via text messaging.

A foundation that enables charitable donations via text message and helps connect Canadian mobile users with the causes they care most about.

Mobile Giving Foundation