Capital expenditure, or Capex, is one of the foundations of high-quality and reliable telecommunications services. It finances the building, expansion, maintenance, and enhancement of Canada’s world-class telecommunications networks. In recent years, the telecom sector has invested more than $11 billion per year in capital expenditures.
Capital expenditure for wireless and wireline sectors.
In 2016, $2.325 billion in CAPEX for wireless and $9.235 billion in wireline.
In 2017, $2.339 billion in CAPEX for wireless and $9.722 billion in wireline.
In 2018, $2.699 billion in CAPEX for wireless and $9.663 billion in wireline.
In 2019, $2.941 billion in CAPEX for wireless and $8.905 billion in wireline.
In 2020, $2.769 billion in CAPEX for wireless and $8.597 billion in wireline.
In 2021, $3.438 billion in CAPEX for wireless and $9.250 billion in wireline.
In 2022, $3.786 billion in CAPEX for wireless and $10.002 billion in wireline.
In 2023, $3.310 billion in CAPEX for wireless and $9.230 billion in wireline.
Note: Capital expenditures, or CAPEX, are investments made primarily to maintain or upgrade telecommunications networks. CAPEX does not include amounts spent on acquiring spectrum licenses.