Investing in 5G is key to reducing Canada’s carbon footprint
Investing in 5G is key to reducing Canada’s carbon footprint Read the full Op-ed by Robert Ghiz & Tejas Rao here: Investing in 5G is key to reducing Canada’s carbon footprint – Mobile technologies will propel economic recovery and climate action
[Op-Ed originally published by The Hill Times on October 14, 2020].
A fast and effective deployment of 5G wireless networks will play a key role in Canada achieving its climate change reduction commitments, according to a new report commissioned by the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) and developed by Accenture.
The report, “Accelerating 5G in Canada: The Role of 5G in the Fight Against Climate Change,” examines the important role that Canada’s wireless industry plays in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and how investments in new wireless technologies, such as 5G, are critical to further reducing Canada’s carbon footprint. 5G will help Canada meet its reduction targets by dramatically increasing the energy efficiency of Canada’s wireless networks and enabling the creation and deployment of innovative technologies that will reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in industries such as transportation, manufacturing, mining, forestry and critical building systems.
The report can be found [here].
Previous Accenture/CWTA reports can be found [here] and [here]
Read full media release [here].